There aren't many places in the UK where you can buy a five-bed country manor for £120k, but Orkney happens to be one of them.
At least, it is when it's the Church of Scotland doing the selling.
Strictly speaking, the East Manse is a four bedroom house - I'm not convinced that, just because someone has turned a downstairs room into their bedroom that you can call it a bedroom for ever after.
So - kitchen, three reception rooms, large utility room and attached garage on the ground floor; four bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.
All pretty tired and in need of revamping but a decent size and plenty of space.
East Manse is in Lady Village, on Sanday, the third largest of the Orkney islands (largest as in around 500 people live there... It's a different life in the real North).
The house has a good sized garden, plus drive, and I think we say, can "open" views (Sanday is known for its dunes and beaches).
The Church is looking for offers around £120k and hasn't yet set a closing date.
Details and more pictures here and here, and PDF file here.
Incidentally, I've written about buying Church of Scotland property in the past, and it's always worth keeping an eye on the organisation's property page - here. Aside from our manse on Sanday, I'm also pretty taken with the cute as a button Perthshire chapel, below.
On the market at offers around £100k. More details here and pdf here.