Friday, 15 August 2014

House, Haddenham, Cambridgeshire

Reader Keith sent me this one. He'd first got in touch last year to ask for help in a campaign to save some pretty wrecked but pretty fabulous listed cottages in Haverhill. 
Anyway, the cottages were saved and Keith is one of the very many supportive readers who has voted for my blog and chipped in with suggested properties. Like this one.
It looks a bit plain and council-housey from the front (below), but the rear/side view (above) shows the space and potential in this L-shaped, four-bed detached.

It's on Hill Row in the village of Haddenham - about seven miles from Ely and 10 from Cambridge. (Haddenham has attracted previous Wreck reader-renovators)
Downstairs are a hall, two reception rooms, kitchen, scullery, laundry room and loo. Upstairs are four bedrooms and a bathroom. All decent sizes.

Lots of original features - like a cast iron bread oven in the kitchen, and tiled floors or original fireplaces in several rooms.

But less pretty bits too, and in need of a full renovation job. I'm pretty certain the pic above is of the room the estate agent's calling the "laundry room"...
Outside is a decent garden area - but a shared driveway.

The house is on the market at £175k through Cheffins, details here.