Monday, 30 November 2015

Former school - Berwick, Northumberland

Reader Ellie wrote to me about this fab former school. Here's why:
I am a HUGE fan of Wreck of the Week. I'm writing because there is a
particular wreck that is deeply lodged in my heart, which I'd love you to
share in the hope of finding someone to do it up! Every time I go to visit
my partner's grandmother, I walk by it and it is incredible. It's called St
Aidan's School House and is in Berwick-upon-Tweed, with incredible sea
It is, indeed, an incredible building - and this isn't the first time I've been asked to look at an old building that's been sitting on the market for too long.
The issues tend be similar - a building that's too big to make one home - so it puts off do-uppers, and has awkward development restrictions - so it puts off pro-developers.
St Aidan's has been gradually falling apart since it closed for good in 1998.
The Charity Commission - having discovered that the original trustees had all died - decided to sell it. Local estate agent Mike Rogerson took it on in 2012, winning planning permission to convert it into three houses.
However nothing has happened since and the local community is getting pretty fed up about that.
A covenant, restricting its use to educational purposes, may have deterred buyers, however I couldn't find any information on whether the restriction was still in place.
The details on the agent's website are limited to the point of making me question whether they are serious about selling - just one, external photo and no details whatsoever - including how many rooms, how big, and what land. (Tho' apparently the plans include a "dedicated vegetable garden"...)
However, the news stories did at least furnish me with a few more pictures to show you.

On the market through Mike Rogerson at offers over £350K. Scraps of info here and here